
Best Time To Visit Tanzania

Best Time To Visit Tanzania

Tanzania boasts a diverse tropical climate influenced by both region and altitude. Along the coast, temperatures tend to be hot and humidity prevails, while the lower-lying parks experience drier, cooler conditions. Optimal for exploration, the prime period to venture to Tanzania aligns with the lengthy dry spell spanning from July through September. These months coincide with the spectacle of the Great Migration, offering ideal conditions for safaris, trekking, and indulging in Zanzibar's coastal delights.

It's worth noting, however, that these months mark the pinnacle of tourism activity, resulting in heightened crowds and potentially inflated prices at accommodations and attractions.

For those seeking a quieter retreat, the brief rainy season from late October to December presents a compelling alternative. Conversely, it's advisable to steer clear of Tanzania during the extended rainy period in April and May, when sudden, heavy downpours can disrupt plans and prompt cancellations of outdoor activities.

January in Tanzania:

A Season of Abundant Wildebeest: January

A Season of Abundant Wildebeest: January

January in Tanzania brings relatively dry and hot weather, with temperatures rising after the short rains of the preceding months. Although there may be occasional brief showers, they usually occur at night. This period coincides with the calving season on the Ndutu Plains, making January, especially towards its end, an optimal time to observe an abundance of wildebeest.

February in Tanzania:

Migration on the Plains and Adventures Await: February

Migration on the Plains and Adventures Await: February

In February, Tanzania experiences rising temperatures while the migration continues on the Plains. This month presents an optimal time for various adventures, including trekking Kilimanjaro, embarking on safaris in both the northern and southern parks, and enjoying a relaxing beach holiday in Zanzibar. Similar to January, there remains a possibility of brief showers, typically occurring at night.

March in Tanzania:

Migration Moves Westward as Rainy Season Approaches: March

Migration Moves Westward as Rainy Season Approaches: March

In March, the migration in Tanzania begins its westward journey towards the Grumeti River, amidst persistently hot temperatures. The early part of the month remains ideal for trekking, safaris, and beach excursions. However, as the month progresses, there's an increased likelihood of rain as Tanzania transitions into the long rainy season.

April in Tanzania:

Caution Advised During the Long Rainy Season: April

Caution Advised During the Long Rainy Season: April

April brings the full force of the long rainy season to Tanzania. Traveling during this time is not recommended, as torrential rains can disrupt planned excursions. Climbing Kilimanjaro poses greater risks in these conditions, and many lodges may be closed during this period.

May in Tanzania:

Rainy Continuation with Challenging Wildlife Viewing: May

Rainy Continuation with Challenging Wildlife Viewing: May

Similar to April, May continues the trend of rainy weather, rendering travel conditions less than ideal. While the lush vegetation adds to the natural beauty, it also presents challenges for wildlife spotting.

June in Tanzania:

Transitioning from Rain to Dry Season: Early June

Transitioning from Rain to Dry Season: Early June

In early June, Tanzania emerges from the long rainy season, adorned with lush greenery, offering prime conditions for bird-watching enthusiasts. As the month progresses, the savannah gradually dries up, facilitating easier wildlife sightings. Towards the end of June, the migration commences its northward journey from the Grumeti River.

July in Tanzania:

Peak Season Exploration and Diverse Adventures Await: July

Peak Season Exploration and Diverse Adventures Await: July

July marks the onset of peak season for travel in Tanzania. As the migration heads towards Kenya, Tarangire National Park becomes a gathering ground for elephants. To escape the crowds and high prices, visitors can explore the more remote parks on the southern safari circuit, such as Ruaha and Selous. Early booking is advised to secure preferred lodge accommodations.

This month also offers an opportune time to visit Zanzibar, with cooler temperatures compared to the December to March period, yet still dry. Additionally, evenings and mornings on the mainland may be cooler, so packing warmer attire for early morning safari drives and bush sundowners is recommended.

August in Tanzania:

Ideal Conditions for Wildlife Encounters and Diverse Adventures: August

Ideal Conditions for Wildlife Encounters and Diverse Adventures: August

With dry and cool weather prevailing, August emerges as an excellent time to explore Tanzania. Wildlife, in search of water sources, follows predictable movements, enhancing the likelihood of spotting the Big Five with the guidance of experienced guides.

Moreover, Lake Natron welcomes a vibrant influx of flamingos, seeking sustenance and refuge amidst its otherwise eerie landscape. For diving enthusiasts, August to September offers optimal conditions, characterized by exceptionally clear waters. Additionally, this period witnesses the hatching of turtles on the Indian Ocean islands, delighting observers with the wonders of marine life.

September in Tanzania:

Witnessing the Drama of the Migration and Coastal Wonders: September

Witnessing the Drama of the Migration and Coastal Wonders: September

As the final month of the peak season, September remains bustling with activity, accompanied by high prices. Across the Serengeti, migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra traverse the landscape, with the Mara River in the Northern Serengeti posing as their most formidable obstacle.

Observing these herds navigate the crocodile-infested waters can be both exhilarating and humbling, offering travelers a poignant glimpse into the circle of life on the African plains.

Meanwhile, in Zanzibar and along the coast, water visibility is pristine, providing an ideal opportunity to witness turtles hatching amidst the coastal wonders.

October in Tanzania:

Embracing Dry Season Tranquility with Abundant Adventures: October

Embracing Dry Season Tranquility with Abundant Adventures: October

While no longer in peak season, October offers favorable conditions for trekking, safaris, and beach exploration in Tanzania. The climate remains predominantly dry, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities.

Although the migration has moved on to Kenya, there are still abundant wildlife sightings to be enjoyed within Tanzania's parks and reserves.

Towards the end of the month, the short rainy season may begin, so early October is preferable for travel to avoid potential disruptions.

November in Tanzania:

Embracing the Short Rainy Season and Nature's Renewal: November

Embracing the Short Rainy Season and Nature's Renewal: November

November marks the onset of the short rainy season in Tanzania, extending into early December. While considered part of the low season, most lodges remain operational, unlike during the long rainy season.

Showers are typically brief and tend to occur in the evenings. As the plains and savannah rejuvenate with lush greenery, migratory birds, particularly those from the north, become readily visible in the safari parks.

Additionally, the migration gradually returns south from Kenya during this time, offering opportunities for witnessing isolated crossings.

From November to March, the shores of Zanzibar and Mafia present a chance to encounter majestic whale sharks, adding another dimension to the coastal experience.

December in Tanzania:

Transitioning from the Short Wet Season to Coastal Delights: December

Transitioning from the Short Wet Season to Coastal Delights: December

As the middle of December approaches, the short wet season draws to a close in Tanzania. While there may still be sporadic short rains from December to March, these typically occur overnight and are brief in duration.

December presents an ideal time for visiting Zanzibar, with temperatures gradually increasing and offering a delightful coastal experience. However, it's essential to note that the days surrounding Christmas can become busy, leading to potential price increases. Therefore, booking ahead is advisable to secure accommodations and activities during this festive period.