
Top 10 Best National Parks in Tanzania

Top 10 Best National Parks in Tanzania

Embark on an exhilarating journey into the heart of Africa's wilderness, where stalking predators, mesmerizing river crossings, gorilla tracking, and encounters with unique species await. A wildlife safari epitomizes the allure of any African adventure, and Tanzania stands out as the ultimate destination for such expeditions. Tanzania's national parks cater to diverse interests, preferences, and comfort levels, ensuring there's a safari experience perfectly suited to every traveler.

Before setting off on your safari, one of the crucial decisions you'll face is choosing which park to visit and which to prioritize. While Serengeti and Ngorongoro may seem like the obvious choices, lesser-known parks could offer equally unforgettable experiences.


Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park, famed for the Great Migration, is a must-visit destination that tops many bucket lists. Its diverse ecosystems support a rich variety of plants, birds, and animals, making it one of Africa's most unique national parks. Over the years, Serengeti has drawn visitors from all corners of the globe, including celebrities, writers, and poets, solidifying its reputation as one of Africa's premier safari destinations.


  • Home to the Great Migration
  • Authentic game viewing opportunities
  • Hot air balloon safaris
  • Prime location for spotting African predators
  • Excellent accommodation options


  • Crowded during peak season

Serengeti National Park Facts

  • Number of annual visitors: Over 350,000
  • Size: 13,250 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 3,737 feet to 7,133 feet
  • Common Animal Sightings: Wildebeest, giraffe, gazelle, big cats, elephant, zebra, eland, topi, kongoni
  • Best Season to Visit: June to July and January to February
  • Nearby Attractions: Ngorongoro Conservation Center, Lake Natron, Tarangire National Park


Ngorongoro Crater

Millions of years ago, the Ngorongoro Crater formed, enclosing its borders with towering walls reaching heights of 400 to 600 meters. This natural enclosure allowed for the flourishing of some of the world's most exotic plants and animals. Ngorongoro is renowned as one of the few places where you can witness the Big 5 in a single day and is home to the endangered black rhino.


  • Year-round wildlife viewing
  • Observation of the endangered black rhino
  • Excellent accommodation options
  • Immersive Maasai cultural experiences in traditional villages
  • Opportunity to see the Big 5 in a single day


  • High expenses
  • Crowded during peak season

Ngorongoro Crater Facts

  • Number of annual visitors: 400,000
  • Size: 8,228 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 3,310 feet to 1,959 feet
  • Common Animal Sightings: Black rhino, wildebeest, zebra, gazelle, elephant, topi, buffalo, cheetah, lion, spotted hyena, leopard, golden jackal, bat-eared fox
  • Best Season to Visit: June to September
  • Nearby Attractions: Serengeti National Park, Empakaai Center, Mount Kilimanjaro


Lake Manyara National Park

Think of Lake Manyara as a miniature Serengeti. Despite its small size, this park boasts 11 distinct ecosystems and a diverse array of wildlife. The groundwater forest surrounding Lake Manyara provides a refreshing contrast to the typical African savannahs. While tree-climbing lions steal the spotlight here, predator sightings can be challenging. However, encountering hundreds of elephants up close is an unforgettable experience.


  • Night safaris, hiking, and trekking opportunities
  • Famous tree-climbing lions
  • Excellent bird-watching opportunities
  • Close encounters with elephants
  • Stunning natural beauty
  • Wildlife concentrated in specific areas


  • Very crowded during peak season

Lake Manyara Facts

  • Size: 330 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 3,127 feet to 4,741 feet
  • Common Animal Sightings: Baboon, flamingo, elephant, wildebeest, giraffe, blue monkey, buffalo, waterbuck, impala, warthog, zebra, klipspringer, Kirk’s dik-dik, lion, leopard
  • Best Season to Visit: July to October
  • Nearby Attractions: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Center


Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park stands apart from the typical safari routes, offering a quieter and less crowded experience compared to other Tanzanian parks. Spanning an area ten times larger than Manyara, Tarangire is renowned for its high concentration of wildlife during the dry season and its iconic baobab trees that dot the landscape.


  • Night safaris and walking safaris available
  • Excellent accommodation options
  • Abundant wildlife viewing during the dry season
  • Spectacular scenery with baobab trees
  • Serene and less crowded atmosphere


  • Challenging animal sightings during the wet season
  • Peak season can become crowded

Tarangire National Park Facts

  • Number of Annual Visitors: 160,000
  • Size: 2,850 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 980 meters to 1,650 meters (3,222 feet to 5,400 feet)
  • Common Animal Sightings: Elephant, lion, leopard, cheetah, eland, impala, gazelle, hartebeest, buffalo, wildebeest, giraffe
  • Best Season to Visit: July to October
  • Nearby Attractions: Arusha, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Center, Lake Manyara National Park


Selous Game Reserve

Selous Game Reserve stands as the largest uninhabited area on the continent, showcasing pristine wilderness and an authentic bush vibe. This expansive reserve is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, offering unparalleled opportunities to witness diverse species in their natural habitat.


  • One of the few destinations in Africa to see wild dogs
  • Elephant migration routes
  • Boat safaris available
  • Excellent wildlife viewing during the dry season
  • Common sightings of lions and other predators
  • Outstanding accommodation options


  • Malarial area
  • Wildlife more dispersed during the wet season
  • Limited wildlife viewing circuits
  • Animal sightings can be challenging during the wet season
  • Peak season may lead to crowding

Selous Game Reserve Facts

  • Size: 47,665 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 36 meters to 1,461 meters (118 feet to 4,793 feet)
  • Common Animal Sightings: Elephant, wild dog, crocodile, black colobus monkey, hippo, antelope, bushbuck, sable antelope, reedbuck, waterbuck, greater kudu
  • Best Season to Visit: June to November
  • Nearby Attractions: Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar


Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park, the largest national park in Africa, may not be as widely known as others, but it offers some of the wildest and most captivating wildlife encounters on the continent. Known for its rugged beauty, ancient baobab trees, and scenic rivers, Ruaha promises exhilarating game viewing experiences amidst its pristine landscapes.


  • Fly camping trips
  • Prime destination for viewing wild dogs
  • Guided treks through diverse habitats
  • Unique antelope species
  • Low visitor numbers ensure a tranquil experience


  • Remote location
  • Limited budget accommodation options
  • Wildlife sightings can be challenging during the wet season

Ruaha National Park Facts

  • Number of Visitors: 20,000 annually
  • Size: 10,300 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 720 meters to 1,884 meters (2,362 feet to 6,188 feet)
  • Common Animal Sightings: Giraffe, greater kudu, sable antelope, lesser kudu, zebra, impala, bushbuck, buffalo, hartebeest, gazelle, waterbuck, elephant, lions, black-backed jackals, cheetahs, leopards, spotted hyenas, African wild dogs
  • Best Season to Visit: June to October
  • Nearby Attractions: Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar


Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe Stream National Park, though small in size, offers a rich array of attractions that leave a lasting impression. Internationally renowned for Jane Goodall's pioneering chimpanzee research, this park is a haven for primate enthusiasts. Beyond chimpanzee tracking, visitors can encounter various other primate species amidst the park's lush forests and scenic trails.


  • Home to Jane Goodall’s groundbreaking research on chimpanzees
  • Regular chimpanzee sightings
  • Hiking opportunities through diverse habitats
  • Secluded and exclusive experience


  • Limited accommodation options
  • Small park size

Gombe National Park Facts

  • Size: 52 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 767 meters to 1,606 meters (2,516 feet to 5,269 feet)
  • Common Animal Sightings: Chimpanzee, vervet monkey, olive baboon, blue monkey, red colobus monkey, white-tailed monkey, bushbuck, bushpig, leopard
  • Best Season to Visit: July to October
  • Nearby Attractions: Ujiji, Mahale Mountains National Park


Katavi National Park

Katavi National Park, known for its remote location, requires considerable effort to reach. However, those who embark on the journey are rewarded with an unforgettable experience. Katavi offers pristine wilderness where encounters with predators outnumber encounters with humans.


  • Game safaris and walking expeditions available
  • Exceptional hippo viewing opportunities
  • Exclusive and uncrowded environment
  • Presence of unusual antelope species


  • Limited accommodation options
  • Challenges in accessing the park due to its remote location and expense
  • Wildlife sightings may be scattered during the wet season

Katavi National Park Facts

  • Size: 4,471 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 815 meters to 1,634 meters (2,677 feet to 5,361 feet)
  • Common Animal Sightings: Eland, sable, roan antelope, hippo, buffalo, reedbuck, giraffe, impala, zebra, duikers, elephant, lion, leopards, wild dog
  • Best Season to Visit: June to October
  • Nearby Attractions: Ruaha National Park


Mahale Mountains National Park

Mahale Mountains National Park, often overlooked by tourists visiting Tanzania, offers a unique opportunity to connect closely with our closest genetic relatives, the chimpanzees. Nestled in the stunning Mahale Mountains, this park is renowned for providing one of the best chimpanzee tracking experiences in Tanzania amidst breathtaking natural beauty. Visitors also have the chance to relax on the park's pristine sandy beaches, adding to its allure.


  • Excellent place for chimpanzee sightings and research
  • Guided hiking expeditions through dense forests
  • Exclusive and uncrowded wilderness experience
  • Fishing and kayaking on Lake Tanganyika
  • Walking tours to explore diverse habitats
  • Spectacular sandy beaches along Lake Tanganyika


  • Remote and difficult to access
  • Limited accommodation options
  • Relatively expensive compared to other parks

Mahale Mountains National Park Facts

  • Number of Visitors: Approximately 1,000 annually
  • Size: 1,613 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 757 meters to 2,474 meters (2,484 feet to 8,117 feet)
  • Common Animal Sightings: Chimpanzee, red colobus monkey, antelope, red-tailed monkey, blue monkey, warthog, bushbuck, hippo, crocodile, leopard
  • Best Season to Visit: May to October
  • Nearby Attractions: Nkungwe, Kigoma


Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park, renowned for its Mkata Floodplain, often draws comparisons to the great Serengeti due to its impressive diversity and concentrated wildlife. This alone makes Mikumi a must-visit destination. The park is celebrated for its stunning photographic opportunities and large herds of game animals.


  • Excellent wildlife sightings during the dry season
  • Ideal for short weekend getaways
  • Varied accommodation options available
  • Guided walking safaris to explore the park
  • Picturesque views and diverse ecosystems


  • Wildlife can be more difficult to spot during the wet season
  • Limited to a single road circuit for wildlife viewing
  • Lacks the rugged wilderness appeal of other parks

Mikumi National Park Facts

  • Size: 3,220 square kilometers
  • Altitude: 200 meters to 1,258 meters (653 feet to 4,131 feet)
  • Common Animal Sightings: Hippo, zebra, giraffe, elephant, impala, wildebeest, spotted hyena, buffalo, lion
  • Best Season to Visit: June to October
  • Nearby Attractions: Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Selous Game Reserve

Tanzania's Big

Exploring Tanzania's Big 5

One of the Big 5 is the African Lion. The African Lion is a strong and skilled predator.

Tanzania attracts tourists from around the globe with its endless adventures and rich natural beauty. Safaris are increasingly popular for the thrill of witnessing animals up close in their natural habitats. Tanzania’s biodiversity offers a unique array of flora and fauna—from large animals to insects, birds, flowering plants, and more.

For many visitors, the allure of Tanzania lies in climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and encountering the Big 5. But what exactly are the Big 5?


Nature ranks animals in its own hierarchy, with the Big 5 occupying the top spots. These are Africa's most dangerous and formidable animals, traditionally sought after for hunting due to their difficulty and danger.

The Big 5 include:

  • African Lion
  • African Leopard
  • African Elephant
  • Cape Buffalo
  • Rhinoceros

These animals earned their moniker not for their size alone, but for their lethal capabilities and the challenges they pose to hunters. Fortunately, due to conservation efforts, sightings of the Big 5 are now more common on safaris rather than hunts.


African Lion

A pride of African Lions is a majestic sight in Tanzania, with approximately 16,000 lions roaming the country. They are apex predators, living in prides led by alpha males. Lionesses do most of the hunting and care for cubs, while males defend territory.

  • Where to see them: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara National Park, Ruaha National Park
  • Best time to see them: February - March, June - November (southern parks)

African Leopard

The African Leopard is elusive and solitary, making sightings a stroke of luck. They are nocturnal hunters known to stash kills in trees, avoiding scavengers.

  • Where to see them: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Ruaha National Park
  • Best time to see them: February - March, June - November (southern parks)

African Elephant

Africa's largest land animals, African Elephants, awe with their size and distinctive ears. They are seen in herds across Tanzania's national parks.

  • Where to see them: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire National Park, Ruaha National Park
  • Best time to see them: February - March, June - November (southern parks)

Cape Buffalo

The Cape Buffalo may seem docile but is among Africa's most dangerous animals, especially when threatened. They are formidable prey for lions due to their strength and sharp horns.

  • Where to see them: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater
  • Best time to see them: February - March, June - November (southern parks)


Both the white and black rhinoceroses, critically endangered due to poaching, can be found in Tanzania. They are solitary and easily recognizable by their distinctive horns.

  • Where to see them: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater
  • Best time to see them: February - March, June - November (southern parks)

Exploring Tanzania's Big 5 offers an unparalleled safari experience, combining the thrill of wildlife encounters with the beauty of the African landscape. Whether trekking through the Serengeti or marveling at Ngorongoro Crater, each park promises unforgettable moments with these iconic animals.